# Webhooks

# Introduction

To receive real-time updates on the status of orders placed through your app, you can provide a webhook URL in the Armada delivery Merchant Dashboard or via API branch managements.

This is an example sequence diagram illustrating the process from order creation to dispatching to the driver:

    participant Client
    participant "Our API" as API
    participant "Merchant Dashboard" as Dashboard
    participant "Webhook URL" as Webhook
    participant Driver

    Client->>API: Send order
    API->>Dashboard: Order appears
    API->>Webhook: Send webhook with status "Pending"
    Webhook-->>API: Confirmation received
    Driver->>API: Accept order
    API->>Webhook: Send webhook with status "Dispatched"
    Webhook-->>API: Confirmation received
    API->>Dashboard: Update status to "Dispatched"
    Dashboard-->>Client: Order status updated

# Status

Get real-time updates on order status changes with our API, which sends instant notifications by a POST request to your webhook URL whenever there's a change.

Here is a table of statuses:

Status Description
pending The order has been received and is waiting to be dispatched to a driver
dispatched The order has been dispatched to a driver who is on his way to the merchant
en_route The order has been picked up from the merchant and is on the way to the customer
complete The order has been successfully delivered
canceled The order has been canceled from your end
failed The order has failed to find a driver

# Payload

Upon each status change, you will receive the following information:

In headers:

  • Authorization: The value of your order-webhook-key you provide when you create the order (see order creation).

The body:

  • code: Identifier for the delivery within Armada String
  • deliveryFee: Cost of the delivery Number
  • amount: Order amount set by the merchant Number
  • customerAddress: Address generated by Armada based on platform data String
  • customerLocation: Customer's geographical coordinates Object
    • latitude: Latitude Number
    • longitude: Longitude Number
  • customerName: Customer's name String
  • customerPhone: Customer's phone number String
  • orderStatus: Status of the order String
  • estimatedDistance: Estimated distance from pickup to customer location (in meters) Number
  • estimatedDuration: Estimated duration from pickup to customer location (in seconds) Number
  • driver: Information about the assigned driver:
    • name: Driver's name String
    • phoneNumber: Driver's phone number String
    • latitude: Driver's latitude Number
    • longitude: Driver's longitude Number
  • trackingLink: URL for tracking delivery progress URL
  • qrCodeLink: URL for the delivery QR code, used for scanning URL
  • orderCreatedAt: Date and time of delivery creation ISO Date
  • currency: Currency used for the delivery String

# Example

Authorization: vE6gH8Rt2L1sK9w
  "code": "B1983149DA",
  "deliveryFee": 2,
  "amount": 5,
  "customerAddress": "Al-Adan, Block 5, St 104",
  "customerLocation": {
    "latitude": 29.22536,
    "longitude": 48.07328
  "customerName": "mohamed",
  "customerPhone": "51234567",
  "orderStatus": "dispatched",
  "estimatedDistance": 24144,
  "estimatedDuration": 1788.2890000000002,
  "driver": {
    "name": "Anagipura Roshan",
    "phoneNumber": "10102005",
    "latitude": 29.372146666666662,
    "longitude": 47.988613333333326
  "trackingLink": "https://sandbox.tracking.armadadelivery.com/5400bb82-5550-414c-b63f-78b96da68c58",
  "qrCodeLink": "https://armada-sand.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/qrCodes/51ecc71c0a57295370672190a13a4667.svg",
  "orderCreatedAt": "2024-02-22T12:49:43.409Z",
  "currency": "KWD"