# Environments

# Introduction

In Armada, we provide two environments: Staging and Production. Each environment serves a specific purpose in the development and testing lifecycle, ensuring the stability and reliability of your application before deployment to the live environment.

# Staging Environment

The Staging Environment serves as the default testing ground before any code is deployed to production. It is designed to be stable, ensuring that the software undergoes thorough testing and validation before moving into the live environment.

# Staging Account

We offer a shared account for multiple integrators. However, we highly recommend creating a new branch to ensure your tests don't interfere with others.

  • email: demo.staging.kuwait@armadadelivery.com
  • password: Armada2024!

# Production Environment

The Production Environment is where the fully tested code goes live. It's stable, secure, and ready for real-world use.

Here, you need to create your own account by signing up.